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Milwaukee HVAC

HVAC Professional

A Day in the Life at CML Roofing and Contracting

Ever wondered how a day unfolds for an employee at a leading home improvement business like ours? In this article, we’ll give you a glimpse of a day in the life at CML Roofing and Contracting, where we take on an array of projects from roofing, windows, doors and much more!

Early Morning: Gearing Up

Our day typically starts bright and early with a team meeting at our headquarters. Here, we discuss the work plan for the day, assignments, and project timelines. We prepare for any type of project, whether a roofing assignment, a window replacement, or a new door installation.

Mid-Morning to Afternoon: Going Hands-on

Post the meeting, it’s time to hit the road! We gear up and head to our respective project locations where we spend a significant part of our day. It might be scaling ladders to check on a damaged roof, measuring for a new set of energy-efficient windows, or consulting with a homeowner about upgrading their front door. No matter the task at hand, we tackle it with expertise and finesse.

Afternoon: Checking In and Following Up

By afternoon, we’re checking in with clients, providing them with updates on their ongoing projects. Whether it is discussing a new shingle color for their roof or updating them on the installation of their new bay window, client communication is an integral part of our day. While sipping on our late afternoon coffee, we also make it a point to follow up on any pending quotes, invoices, or supplier calls.

Evening: Calling It a Day

As the evening sets in, we wind up our day by ensuring all our project sites are clean and safe, ready for work the next day. Any leftover materials or tools are packed up and stored properly. We might end the day with a quick team huddle, reviewing the day’s work and prepping for what’s on the schedule tomorrow.

So, that’s an overview of a typical day at CML Roofing and Contracting. It’s a day filled with hard work, dedication, some problem-solving, a dash of creativity, and a whole lot of client smiles. If you’re looking for experts you can trust with your next home improvement project, reach out to us today.

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